10 Years of eXo Logos
This November we are celebrating the 10 Year Anniversary of eXo!
A great moment to think about all the changes and improvements the company has gone through.
This week alone we were listed as one of the most rapidly evolving vendor in the 2014 Portals and Content Integration Market Analysis issued by The Real Story Group.
For sure eXoers are not the kind to just sit back and relax, we like action! The company, the product, the website… even the logo has undergone a few changes over the last decade:
Another way to show that eXo is constantly looking for the best and trying to adapt to you and your needs…
We’d like to thank all of you who have been following and supporting us in this great adventure for the last 10 years and welcome the ones who just decided to join our Tribe.
Happy 10 Year Anniversary from the eXo team!