Documentation Update: Architecture, Customization, JavaScript, and more!
The Documentation Website was just updated with many improvements on technical content. The eXo documentation team has worked closely with consultants and developers to focus on their needs.
In the Getting Started chapter, the structure and content of the Architecture section have been written with a new schema outlining the main components of eXo Platform.
Also in this chapter, a new section named Customization Capabilities with eXo Platform has been added. It aims at giving developers an overview of how they can customize and extend eXo Platform 4.
In addition, the section Adding JavaScript to your Portal has been entirely reviewed and rewritten. We spent time studying what developers need when adding JavaScript to a portal and looked at all the ways in which it is used, from basic to advanced aspects. This section now lets you find specific solutions and provides the foundation for adding JavaScript to applications, which is built on in the following chapters.
Another important change you should know about is that the structure and content of Working with Content have been reviewed and updated under the eXo Platform 4 context. You can easily learn about and practice the main parts of Content, including: Content types, Content templates, Content List templates, CKEditor, and Categories.
Besides the sections listed above, a number of other sections have also been updated in accordance with requirements of customers and developers. You can learn about the Isolated-database Configuration in the JCR Reference Guide, and how to configure efficiently eXo Platform and JCR in JCR Configuration. Also, the IDE User Guide was entirely reviewed and updated with some new features of eXo Platform 4.
To welcome the launch of eXo Enterprise Edition, we are updating technical guides with consultants and developers at eXo. We are collaborating to gain a clear understanding of what customers need from these documents, so feel free to give us your feedback and desires via comments at the bottom of each document page.
We hope you like the new updates in this deployment. More are coming, stay tuned!
You can access the whole eXo Platform 4 documentation here, via the community website.