Following up on MongoDB Days Berlin
Events are always a nice opportunity to talk with people. It’s about more than just socializing–it’s about sharing experiences, what we do, what we like and what we dislike, problems we have and ideas about how we can solve them. Depending on the event, it might be more business oriented or tech oriented. MongoDB Days definitely falls into the second category (though that’s not to say you can’t talk about business too!).
I was fortunate enough to be chosen to give a talk at MongoDB Days Berlin and for me it was great to share what I have done so far with MongoDB. It was not the most technical talk, as it’s my first application on eXo side using MongoDB, but more about how you can be efficient as a developer/designer when you start a project with this database and iterate during the development phase of the project.
Thanks to a well-chosen agenda, I learned a few things as well on MongoDB and I have already fixed a few issues in the Chat application. More precisely, detailed talks on optimization and indexes helped me a lot to understand the MongoDB model.
This is why I enjoy these events–because we, at eXo, love developing applications, and at the same time providing the best user experience for collaboration across your company. The Product and Engineering teams have done a great job in the past year to give you a brand new eXo Platform. There’s still a few weeks to go but we’re not far off and I’m very impatient to get my hands on it. We rethinked the platform based on the events we were, on our experience in Social Intranet, on what we learned in multi-tenancy with Cloud-IDE (now Codenvy) and its 50,000 or more tenants. But also, we hope too that we improved the global user expertience, thanks to your valuable feedback on eXo Platform 3.5.
As for the Chat add-on running with MongoDB, it runs on eXo Platform 3.5 and will be ready for eXo Platform 4 as soon as it’s released. And you, are you ready?
Thanks again to the 10Gen staff, the event was very well organized. The Berlin Conference Center was perfect for this event and, again, 10Gen have very talented people who can give you valuable advices if either you are just curious about switching from standard relational databases to MongoDB or if you already use MongoDB and have more advanced questions. For my part, I still feel I have a lot to learn and it’s great. My 2 cents the Chat application won’t be the only MongoDB application running in eXo Platform’s ecosystem.
See you soon 10Gen, I have more ideas up my sleeve!
As a final reminder, I will be at “Solutions Intranet et Collaboratifs” in Paris, Porte de Versailles, at the end of the month. This event will definitelly fall within the first category I mentioned above. I will have eXo Platform 4 on my laptop. If you want to see it live, that’s the place you need to be on March 26. You also can register for the hands-on session where we’ll preview eXo Platform 4.0.
« Again, thanks for watching and stay tuned – more things are coming, Benjamin. »