Pilot Systems is now partner with eXo Platform for integrating Open Source Collaborative solutions
Paris, December 2nd, 2008 – eXo Platform, Open Source collaborative software editor, and Pilot Systems, specialized in specific components of the eXo platform architecture, are now combining their skills to provide Open Source collaborative, portals and ECM solutions.
A strong partnership, oriented on the future
With its businesses opportunities increasing in France and at the international, eXo Platform has to develop important partnerships with companies having strong skills in its expert areas and more particularly on eXo products.
Pilot Systems will bring to this partnership:
- A strong experience around customer projects. Pilot Systems has a strong experience integrating content management systems (Content publication, sites management) based on many different Open Source technologies, like Plone. Pilot Systems will also include eXo WCM, a web content management module, in its offer to companies.
- A strong know how in Open Source architectures. Pilot Systems is renown for its skills around systems deployments based on Open Source products (High traffic web sites and intranets, identities management) that can be integrated to any organization investing in the Open Source.
- A common study on the integration of JavaEE solutions with Python/Plone solutions. The eXo platform can be used as a REST services and a Google Gadgets provider for Plone applications. And Python/Plone can also be used as an Open Social services provider that will bring important benefits for the new eXo social networking product for companies : eXo Social.
Benjamin Mestrallet, CEO and eXo Platform founder, explains the reasons of this partnership: «Pilot System developed a strong knowledge of its customers thanks to its ability to define, validate and build complex architectures based on Open Source technologies. eXo Platform is facing fast development of its activities and Pilot Systems experience will be an important benefit for us. Moreover, thanks to its experience in virtualization, Pilot Systems also provides hosting solutions on its own “Cloud”, which is of a high interest for eXo»
For more information about eXo Platform: www.exoplatform.com
About Pilot Systems
Pilot Systems is an Open Source solutions integrator. Having skills in many Open Source technologies, softwares and architectures, Pilot Systems is specialized in the Python language, Zope applications server and the Plone applications design.
Important organizations like the ÉNA, the « Crédit Municipal de Paris », the « AFDAS » or EADS Astrium, entrust their project to Pilot Systems.
Pilot Systems actively contribute to the Open Source community by publishing many products on the plone.org collective (The place where are documented the Plone contributions).
For more information : www.pilotsystems.net