eXo Forums upgrade
Today we completed the migration of eXo Forums to eXo Knowledge 2.0. We’ve been so busy with the new releases of our community projects that we’ve neglected some of our community resources… To put it bluntly, the old forum was slow, buggy, and contained outdated information. (Side note/forums trivia question: I’ll send an eXo t-shirt to the first non-eXo employee who can tell me what Liveroom was.)
The new eXo Forums feature simplified categories that should be a lot easier to navigate. More importantly, it’s fast. Like the-French-team’s-World-Cup-trip fast. (Sorry, couldn’t resist.) The only downside is that it will take us a couple weeks to migrate all the old posts over. In the meantime, you can still post and answer new questions – give it a try and let us know what you think.