Here are some pictures of the show, the rooms are packed and everyone is exited about OpenSocial. The press talks are also quite intense with great questions about the use of Social network inside the enterprise. Check that Zdnet Asia article for more information


Here is a cool video of Patrick Chanezon – Google Developer Advocate for the Open Web and Open Social – at Singapore airport. He speaks about the event, beware, it is in French
I am a Digital Marketing specialist specialized in SEO at eXo Platform.
Passionate about new technologies and Digital Marketing.
With 10 years' experience, I support companies in their digital communication strategies and implement the tools necessary for their success.
My approach combines the use of different traffic acquisition levers and an optimization of the user experience to convert visitors into customers.
After various digital experiences in communication agencies as well as in B2B company, I have a wide range of skills and I am able to manage the digital marketing strategy of small and medium-sized companies.