What is eXo Platform 3.0? (Part 2)
Last week, I looked at what eXo Platform is at its core: a foundation for portal-based applications.
eXo does portals well because we have deep roots and domain expertise, and I am personally extremely proud of the development work we’ve done with JBoss to make GateIn the definitive next-generation portal framework.
Starting with this second part, I will explain the many ways in which eXo Platform 3.0 goes well beyond what a portal can do.
As with many other portal vendors, the majority of eXo’s customers have used eXo Platform first and foremost to build a company intranet. Most of us who’ve used a company intranet know it to be pretty static, hard to personalize and not well integrated into our everyday work life. This is such the norm for intranets that it has prompted jokes about ‘intranet portals’ being outdated.
What eXo Platform 3.0 brings is anything but.
You can build a modern intranet that is slick, interactive and collaborative. eXo Platform 3.0 integrates with your company’s existing LDAP directory to create an enterprise social network. Profiles for employees and teams auto-populate the new ‘social intranet’ with directory permissions and security settings intact. From here, the social intranet can go wherever you want to take it, with:
- Rich profiles that employees can customize
- Work spaces for teams, where members can engage and share documents and information
- Activity streams that push out updates from individuals and teams to their followers/colleagues
- Even applications such as CRM can be integrated, with important changes streamed in real-time to the appropriate people
- Intuitive email user experience, with the ability to tag and organize for finer-grained control and organization
- Easy management using the LDAP directory to set permissions and access by users, roles or groups
- Individual and group calendar accounts that can be managed and shared across the intranet
- Answers capability where questions can be posed and experts identified
The enterprise social network is the new intranet, and eXo Platform 3.0 gives you everything you need to have a Facebook-like experience across your company network. For a full list of features, check out our resource page.
I’m just getting started, so stay tuned for more on what you can do with eXo Platform 3.0.