Cartoon of the week – Byron Sebastian, Former CEO Heroku, Joins eXo’s spin-off Codenvy’s Board of Directors
Sebastian joins current board members Benjamin Mestrallet, Founder and CEO of eXo Platform, and Codenvy co-Founder and CEO Tyler Jewell.
Read more:
- GigaOM news review: Ex-Heroku CEO Byron Sebastian joins the board at Codenvy
- Press Release: Byron Sebastian, Former CEO Heroku and EVP Platforms at Salesforce, Joins Codenvy’s Board of Directors
- Our previous post about Codenvy origins: From eXo Cloud IDE to Codenvy Raising $9 Million Dollars: A Brief History
Don’t miss other cool reads this week :
- The Collaboration Pyramid revisited
- Tips on intranet strategy and choices: Exercise Your Intranet Muscles
- Legal and compliance implication of Enterprise Social Networks: Enterprise social network archiving and good information governance
- Open source in cloud computing: Vendors release code on open source cloud computing movement