Cartoon of the Week - Hack The Pentagon!

While the name “Hack The Pentagon” sounds like the title of a new hit movie, it’s not.
In April, the “Hack The Pentagon” operation will encourage hackers to pull the plug on important digital data belonging to U.S. military forces.
Hack The Pentagon
Getting hacked to strengthen information security is actually not such a new idea, and big companies regularly use this tactic. However, this represents a first for the U.S. Defense Department!
To participate in this program, you must be an American citizen and have a clean record. Those who uncover security vulnerabilities and flaws will receive financial rewards.
The goal is to prevent malicious hackers from harming the Pentagon. To prevent cyber attacks like the one depicted in this week’s cartoon, it’s important to know how to block malicious websites and to implement effective security measures on your computer and network. However, the military forces’ most sensitive programs are not included in the competition.
Anyway, hacking the U.S. Defense Department really must be something!
Stay tuned for more fun cartoons!
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