eXo Around the World
The launch of eXo Platform 3 was a very important milestone for the company, and I had the opportunity to take the news international, thanks to our partner Red Hat. Here are some highlights from my trek.
My world tour kicked off in September at the Red Hat APAC Partner Conference in Bali followed by a trip to the Red Hat offices in Singapore.
In Indonesia, I was able to decompress (it’s a tough job, but someone’s got to do it!) on the beautiful beaches. But it wasn’t all play and no work; it was a great chance to demo two years of hard work: eXo Platform 3.0 during a Red Hat “Partner Success Story” session (and as you know, we are just getting starting!). The reaction was a constant “Awesome!” from anyone who saw the eXo Add-on Modules for JBoss in action.
During both legs of the trip, I met with management teams and potential partners that could enhance the JBoss/eXo network already in place.
One of the companies I met with was a global technology services company that builds solutions, many based on Oracle and IBM, for clients in the banking and insurance industries. The services companies and partners were asking for open source alternatives because their margins were getting thinner and thinner due to competition. The services company really liked the breadth of the eXo Platform, which had document and content management with full standard Java enterprise portal features that could be also used to integrate many applications — all priced affordably.
In October, I attended the GITEX Technology Week in Dubai where eXo shared a booth with our Red Hat Middle East team. This was the second time eXo has made an appearance at this conference, which is widely recognized as the region’s largest and most popular technology retail event. With an estimated 150,000 attendees, the opportunity to network certainly kept me busy.
While in Dubai I joined Red Hat several meetings with major companies in the Gulf region interested in leveraging a portal platform to update their existing Java systems. They were particularly interested in the eXo Add-on Modules for JBoss (for social, content, collaboration and knowledge) to extend their applications.
Although entering this region is challenging to enter as a small technology provider, we were able to fix some meetings with local organizations that found the flexibility of our platform to be very appealing. All the governments in this region are promoting open source. For them, open source isn’t about cost only but also a driving force for innovation.
The seeds we’ve planted throughout the region are bearing fruit; we are happy to announce that the Tunisian Congress (Chamber of Deputies) has chosen eXo Platform to build their site, which is scheduled to go live shortly.
My next big trip will take me to Brazil where I’m excited to meet with the Red Hat team in Sao Paolo and partake in our first public training in the country, which includes certification on eXo Platform 3. Brazil is one of our top five most active markets in terms of downloads of our community offerings, and we’re already seeing healthy traction with customers, including the Brazilian bank Caixa.
I am sure I will have more to share when I return from Brazil.