eXo Platform 3.5.6 Released
We are pleased to announce the release of eXo Platform 3.5.6. Fourteen months after the GA release, this is the sixth maintenance release of the eXo Platform 3.5 series.
In this new version, a total of 56 issues were resolved, spread among the following categories:
- User Experience bugs and improvements: This was still our main focus on this version. The idea is to fix nasty UX issues such as non-sorted items. This particular effort engaged much feedback from both eXoers and customers who provided ideas and solutions to enhance the overall usability.
- Customer issues: As usual, with each maintenance version, we provide fixes for issues reported by our customers through the support channel.
- Performance enhancements: Scalability and performance are the subject of continuous improvement. Our QA team has again provided a strong contribution to this release.
- Security: Information Systems Security threats are a big concern for all our customers. We try to fix them as soon as they are detected.
- Other defects are reported by QA and Engineering teams in general.
- Updates of English and French labels
- Updates in eXo Platform documentation
eXo subscribed customers will find the delivery at the usual location. Otherwise, you can download the trial bundle from eXo Platform home page.
The next version, eXo Platform 3.5.7, is already on track and is scheduled to be delivered in June 2013.