eXo Platform announces the release of its latest version: eXo Platform 6.2

Paris, Sep 28, 2021. eXo Platform, the digital workplace provider announces the general availability of its latest release eXo Platform 6.2.

eXo Platform 6.2 is the second release of the eXo Platform 6 series. It follows the same path of its predecessors as it mainly focuses on simplicity, security and the employee experience as a whole. A host of new features have been added along with significant UX and UI improvements to provide a simple yet rich user experience.



The main eXo platform 6.2 additions include:

  • A revamped tasks management application giving users more flexibility to create and organise tasks with file attachement and shared tags and help them to better visualise and manage projects with plan views.
  • An agenda application allowing users to easily create and confirm events through date polls
  • A new analytics module designed to help project managers assess adoption and usage rates, engagement levels, among a host of other metrics.
  • A new ‘notes application’ replacing the old wiki application with several UX/UI improvements to help users to easily create, manage and share knowledge.
  • An enhanced news application to easily share content and schedule publications
  • A two-step verification system that allows administrators to protect pages or associate two-factor authentication to a group of users
  • New data control features allowing admins to analyse and monitor data shared and exchanged within the platform through data leaks and malware protection
  • Enhanced user and admin management
  • RTL (Right-To-Left) support for languages that are written from right to left
  • A new look and feel for both perk store and eXo wallet applications

To learn more about eXo Platform 6.2, please visit this detailed article and download the product sheet.

For more information about eXo Platform and services, make sure to visit the website: exoplatform.com.

About eXo Platform

With an ecosystem of 100,000+ community members and hundreds of successful deployments worldwide, including the US Department of Defense, NATO and the Frech Army, eXo is the largest open source provider of secure digital workplace solutions for enterprises and governments.

For more information about eXo Platform, visit www.exoplatform.com.

Press Contacts for eXo Platform:

Veronika Mazour: contact@exoplatform.com

eXo Platform 6 Free Datasheet​​
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I am marketing manager, I supervise the Marketing & Acquisition activities at eXo platform. I love creating concepts. I also write essays on topics that fascinate me as leadership, digital marketing and digital collaboration
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