Four Awards for eXo Platform, from FinancesOnline!

FinancesOnline is a California-based company whose mission is helping businesses find the best software to meet their needs.
Following a recent investigation of eXo Platform and its enterprise capabilities, FinancesOnline decided to publish a full review of the platform and to award eXo the following four prizes:
1) Exceptional Customer Support Award for 2015
2) Best Add-ons & Integration Award
3) Budget Friendly Award
4) Great User Experience Award
FinancesOnline concluded the review with a noteworthy interview with eXo Platform’s CEO, Benjamin Mestrallet, providing readers with some insight from the founder himself into the approach and vision of eXo toward helping its clients achieve their goals.

You can read for more details. You can find more information about the awards we received in our detailed review. eXo Platform is also featured as one of the leaders in the FinancesOnline project management software category.

The eXo Platform team would like to thank FinancesOnline for this recognition, which can only reinforce eXo’s commitment to providing the platform with the best user experience in the market.
Quite a beautiful gift, just in time for the New Year!
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