New eXo Mobile App: eXo Platform 4.3 On The Go!

About a month ago, we announced the release of eXo Platform 4.3 on this blog. One of the most important improvements in Platform 4.3 is the Responsive Web Layout, which allows users to display Platform pages nicely, even on mobile devices.

Being responsive is nice, but so are all the native features that you love in the native mobile applications, such as the Sharing Extensions, or the ability to manage your accounts on multiple intranets. Wouldn’t it be great if you could have the best of both worlds?



Today, we are happy to announce that you can! We have entirely redesigned and implemented the iOS app from scratch, to benefit from the Platform 4.3 responsive layout while keeping the best from the native app.
Here’s what you get if you upgrade from eXo 2.10 to eXo 4.3 today:
  • Leverage the Platform 4.3 responsive layout: all of Platform 4.3 in your hand!
  • Sharing Extension: Integrated sharing of your photos and videos, directly to your stream and spaces
  • Easy on-boarding and registration for eXo Tribe
Let’s get started!

All the power of Platform 4.3, in your hand!

Being able to display eXo Platform pages directly on your phone means that all the Platform features are available on mobile right away. No more “this is not yet developed on mobile” or “this feature is not yet exposed in a REST API”. All the things that you do on eXo Platform on your computer, you can do on your tablet and your phone. And it doesn’t stop there. The app now instantly displays all your look-and-feel customizations, e.g. that you did with the Skin Module.
Activity Stream and Task Management in eXo 4.3 mobile app
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Sharing Extension

Next is a well-known feature that has been present in eXo mobile apps for several months. There is no big change to the user interface, but your credentials are now stored more securely in the app’s keychain.
Access easily to eXo Tribe

eXo Tribe on-boarding

We are bringing more focus to the eXo Tribe, our user community. The app now suggests on its startup screen that you connect to eXo Tribe if you haven’t done so before.
eXo mobile apps 4.3

Quick Actions with Apple’s 3D Touch

Finally, lucky owners of an iPhone 6S or 6S+ can benefit from the app’s shortcuts on the home screen. The app displays the most recent intranets, and you can tap them to connect immediately.
The eXo 4.3 mobile app is available from the iOS App Store. Simply upgrade from the previous version and start using the Platform 4.3 features right from your phone.
This version is not compatible with intranets based on Platform 4.2 or earlier. That’s why the original version is published under a different name.
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